Preventive Dentistry

Your Hygienist Appointment

The main role of our hygienist is to remove plaque and calculus by scaling and polishing your teeth. Working closely with the dentist, she works to prevent and slow down the development of gum disease, and treat its consequences.

The successful treatment of gum disease requires regular screening and monitoring procedures. To help prevent tooth decay and periodontal problems, our dental hygienist offers dental health education to both children and adults. In addition to providing advice on oral hygiene and diet, she can apply antibacterial materials, fissure sealants and topical fluorides.

Plaque and Tartar

Plaque is a formation composed of food particles and bacteria that hardens into tartar when not effectively removed by regular tooth-brushing. It is the main cause of tooth decay and gum disease.

Tartar can be retained on the visible tooth surface in the mouth or in the root surface inside periodontal pockets, where it can remain undetected.

Essentially, tartar is hardened plaque that cannot be brushed away. The bacteria that remain in close contact with your teeth produce harmful substances, causing loss of the tooth-supporting bone. This can lead to periodontitis, commonly known as gum disease.

dental hygienist performing a tooth polishing treatment
Hygienist educating about oral health with a mock up of tooth in the jaw


Scaling is a procedure that removes hardened plaque and tartar from your teeth. Using ultra-sonic  scalers or manual scalers can be used to perform the procedure.

Air-Flow Polish

Air-flow is a cosmetic hygiene treatment. It works by using a jet of compressed air, water and fine powder particles. Air-flow polish is an effective method of dental cleaning, used for the removal of stains caused by coffee, tea, red wine, smoking and long-term use of some mouth washes. The treatment will brighten your smile and leave you feeling fresher and cleaner.

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