Can you remove the gap between my front teeth?

gap between front teeth

The medical term for the gap between your top front teeth is diastema. It is a hereditary condition and the decision to address it or not lies with both patient and dentist. As with most cases of aesthetics, the beauty of a diastema is in the eye of the beholder. Some people consider it their personal charm, whilst others feel self-conscious and want it corrected.

There are many solutions to correct unwanted distance between the teeth, according to each individual case: orthodontic treatment, composite bonding, veneers or crowns.
If the diastema is too big, correcting just the front central teeth will make them look unnaturally large. In cases like this, a correction of more teeth in the smile line might be needed to achieve best aesthetic results and a natural look.
See your dentist at Toothopia and don’t be shy to ask if anything can be done to correct the gap between your front teeth.
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