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Prosthetic dentistry

Crowns and bridges

These forms of indirect restorations are typically prepared by a dental technician.

After necessary extractions or when a patient has lost one or several teeth due to trauma, or when there is significant damage to the tooth, lost masticatory function and the integrity of the dentition can be restored by means of dental prosthetics, commonly known as crowns and bridges.

Crowns are caps that can be placed on top of heavily filled or damaged teeth in order to restore their natural shape, size and function. In the absence of teeth, crowns can be attached to dental implants.

Crowns can also serve purely aesthetic purposes, for example, to cover heavily stained teeth, multiple unsightly fillings or incorrect tooth positioning.

There are many types of dental crowns made of different materials: porcelain, porcelain bonded to precious or non-precious metal, gold crowns, metal crowns, zirconium crowns. The choice of the material used for the crowns depends on your individual clinical case and the goals of the treatment.


Porcelain veneers are an effective and less invasive method to correct aesthetic imperfections in the colour, shape, size and position of front teeth that you find unattractive. From removing stains and closing off gaps between the teeth (diastema and tremas), to correcting the appearance of teeth that are crooked, disproportionately sized or structurally damaged, porcelain veneers offer a simple tooth-preserving solution. Made from a light ceramic material, veneers are permanently bonded to the tooth facade, like a false nail.

The discolouration of the tooth enamel is an aesthetic problem that can easily be corrected with veneers. Some internal stains can be hereditary or the result of taking certain medications during the period of tooth development in utero or during childhood. Veneers can cover up such stains, contributing to a more confident smile and improved self-esteem.

Good to know

Whole crowns

The most commonly used option to repair and protect a heavily filled or broken tooth and restore function.


These prostheses are good option for root canal-treated molars with loss of coronal structure or short and brittle roots.

Other indirect restorations

Inlays, onlays and overlays are an indirect type of restoration that corrects tooth erosion from grinding.

Dental bridges

These fixed constructions are composed of several crowns. They are one option to replace missing teeth.

Crowns and other indirect restorations can be made from different metals, zirconium, porcelain or a combination of several materials for optimal results. Ask your dentist about the different options available.

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