General dentistry

Your Dental Appointment

At Toothopia, we offer services that cover all aspects of general dentistry. Routine dental check ups and urgent appointments, cleaning, education and motivation to maintain your oral hygiene, tooth extractions and the treatment of trauma and dental abscess are some of the services we offer daily.

We perform them during regular appointments or when there is an emergency. Toothache, tooth sensitivity or wisdom tooth discomfort are the usual reason to call your dentist for an emergency treatment. However, it is equally important to make time for preventive dental care and see your dentist as often as he or she recommends according to your individual needs.

List of services available at Toothopia:

  1. Treatment of tooth decay (cavities)
  2. Root canal treatment
  3. Scaling and air-flow polish
  4. Porcelain-bonded dental crowns and bridges
  5. Ceramic veneers and zirconium crowns and bridges
  6. Acrylic dentures
  7. Chrome-cobalt dentures
  8. Flexible dentures (Valplast, Vertex, etc.)
  9. Treatment of bruxism and tooth wear
  10. Bonding
  11. Teeth Whitening
  12. Tooth extraction
  13. Removal of wisdom teeth
  14. Treatment of pericoronaritis and other acute mucosal conditions
  15. Treatment of periodontitis (gum disease)
  16. Treatment of endodontic or parodontal abscess
pink dental instrument during check up

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