Pediatric Dentistry

Children at the Dentist

The treatment of children’s teeth is a dental specialty knows as pediatric dentistry. Looking after the health of baby teeth is an investment into your child’s future oral health. Any damage sustained by baby teeth can affect the development the permanent.

Cavities are quick to develop in baby teeth and even quicker to turn into painful complications. Every early experience at the dentist helps shape your child’s attitude to dental care for the rest of their life. That’s why it’s important to create as many positive dental experiences as possible during regular preventive care visits. Our team offers preventive services, as well as treatments tailored to your child’s age and emotional state.

Contact us today to find out how we can help and to book your child’s appointment.

children brushing their teeth playfully
smiling boy with red hair

Sealant application

Sealants are liquid resinous materials that harden under specific conditions. Sealant application comprises a prophylactic coating with sealant resin. The sealant fills in the deep fissures, pits and furrows that are typical of newly erupted permanent molars. Baby teeth erupt with insufficiently mineralised enamel. The sealant protects the most vulnerable areas of the tooth against cavities.

Fluoride treatment 

Fluoride has the ability to re-mineralize damaged tooth enamel. In this way, fluoride varnishes strengthen the structure of the teeth, preventing the formation of cavities. They also reduce tooth sensitivity.

We recommend regular fluoride varnish application in addition to using fluoride toothpaste since an early age. Some sealants also release fluoride, so best to consult your dentist about the most suitable toothpaste and recommended interval between fluoride applications.

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